Timmy's Body Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy was very curious and always wanted to learn new things. One day, his mother told him about all the different parts of his body.

"Timmy," she said, "let's start with the top of your head. That's where you have your hair and your brain." Timmy felt the top of his head and was amazed by how much was up there.

"Now let's move down to your shoulders," his mother continued. "Those are the parts of your body that help you lift things and move your arms." Timmy moved his shoulders around and was impressed by how strong they were.

Next, his mother showed him his knees. "These are the parts of your body that help you bend and move," she said. Timmy tried bending his knees and was amazed at how flexible they were.

"And finally, let's talk about your toes," said his mother. "Those are the parts of your body that help you stand and walk." Timmy wiggled his toes and was amazed at how much they helped him move around.

Then his mother said "Now let's talk about your eyes, ears, mouth, and nose. Your eyes help you see, your ears help you hear, your mouth help you talk, and your nose help you smell."

Timmy was amazed by all the different parts of his body and how they worked together. From that day on, he was even more curious and wanted to learn even more about his body and the world around him.

The end.


  1. What is the name of the little boy in the story?
  2. What did Timmy's mother teach him about his body?
  3. What did Timmy learn about his hair and brain?
  4. How does Timmy's body help him move around?
  5. Why was Timmy amazed by all the different parts of his body?

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