The Flying Adventure of the Forest Friends

Once upon a time, in a magical forest lived a fly who wanted to explore the world. He met a beetle, a ladybug, a caterpillar, a snail, a spider, an ant, a dragonfly and a mosquito. They decided to go on an adventure together and have some fun.

One day, they came across a big lake and the fly suggested they all fly across to reach the other side. The beetle replied, "I can't fly, I crawl". The ladybug said, "I can fly but I'm too tired." The caterpillar said, "I don't have wings, I crawl". The snail said, "I can't fly, I slide". The spider said, "I can spin webs, but I can't fly". The ant said, "I can carry heavy things, but I can't fly". The dragonfly said, "I can fly, but I prefer to glide". And the mosquito said, "I can fly, but I like to suck blood instead".

The fly was confused and didn't know what to do. Suddenly, the dragonfly had an idea. She suggested they all hold onto her tail and she would fly them across the lake. And that's exactly what they did! They all held onto the dragonfly's tail and she flew them safely across the lake. They all laughed and cheered and had the best time ever.

From that day on, they continued to have many more adventures together and learned that even though they were all different, they could still have fun and help each other when needed.

The end.


  1. What was the challenge the friends faced in the story?
  2. Who had an idea to solve the challenge?
  3. How did the friends help each other during their adventure?
  4. What did the friends learn from their adventure?
  5. Which of the friends can fly and which ones cannot?
  6. What do you think the friends will do next on their adventure?

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