The Adventure of Carla, Robby, Billy, Dolly and Friends

Once upon a time, in a far-off land, there lived a car named Carla. Carla loved to drive and go on adventures. One day, she met a robot named Robby who was flying a kite. Carla was amazed and asked if she could join. Robby agreed and the two became fast friends.

As they were flying their kites, they spotted a bike named Billy who was playing with a ball. They invited him to play with them, and soon the three of them were having a great time.

Just then, a doll named Dolly appeared and asked if she could play too. The four of them played together until the sun went down.

As they were saying goodbye, Carla suggested that they all go on an adventure together. And so, the next day, Carla, Robby, Billy and Dolly set off on a wild and wacky adventure filled with laughter and fun.

And that, my friends, is the story of how a car, a robot, a kite, a bike, a ball and a doll became the best of friends and had the most exciting adventure ever!


  1. Who were the main characters in the story?
  2. What did Carla, Robby, Billy and Dolly do together?
  3. What did they all have in common?
  4. Why did they all become friends?
  5. What was the most exciting part of the adventure?

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