The Silly Hat Dance

Once upon a time, there was a family with a mother, father, baby, boy, girl, sister, and brother. They all lived together in a big house. One day, the baby started to cry, so the mother went to pick him up. The baby wouldn't stop crying, no matter what she did. So the father came up with a silly idea. He put a hat on the baby's head and started to dance around the room. The baby stopped crying and started to giggle! The boy, girl, sister, and brother joined in too. They danced and laughed and had so much fun. From that day on, every time the baby started to cry, they would all put on silly hats and dance until he laughed and smiled again. The end.


  1. What is the problem in the story?
  2. How did the father solve the problem?
  3. What made the baby stop crying?
  4. What happened after the baby started laughing?
  5. Who joined in on the silly hat dance?

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