Teddy and Barbie's Adventure on the School Bus

Once upon a time, there was a teddy bear named Teddy who loved playing chess. One day, he saw a school bus pass by and decided to take a ride. On the bus, he found a jigsaw puzzle, comic book, and story book. However, Teddy had a problem - he didn't know how to read! Just then, a Barbie doll walked by and offered to help. Together, they read the storybook and it was so exciting that they wanted to act it out with the pieces from the jigsaw puzzle. But, when they tried to put the puzzle together, they realized they were missing a piece! They searched high and low but couldn't find it. Suddenly, they noticed a piece of paper that looked like it belonged to the puzzle. They put the puzzle together and voila! They had made a stage for their play based on the story they read. The end.


  1. Who was Teddy in the story and what did he love to do?
  2. What happened when Teddy took a ride on the school bus?
  3. How did Teddy and Barbie help each other in the story?
  4. What did Teddy and Barbie make from the jigsaw puzzle and the storybook?
  5. Why was the story so exciting for Teddy and Barbie?

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