Title: "The Veggie Picnic Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a group of veggie friends - Carrot, Corn, Pepper, Salad, Aubergine and Cucumber. They all lived in a big garden together. One day, they decided to have a picnic. But, they couldn't agree on what to bring.
Carrot wanted to bring carrot cake, Corn insisted on corn on the cob, Pepper suggested pepperoni pizza, Salad wanted a big green salad, Aubergine thought eggplant parmesan, and Cucumber wanted cucumber sandwiches.
But then, they realized they were forgetting the most important thing - to share and have fun together. So, they combined their ideas and made a giant veggie pizza with all of their favorite toppings! They had a blast and realized that the best way to have a picnic is to work together and enjoy each other's company.


  1. What was the problem the veggie friends faced at the beginning of the story?
  2. Why did the veggie friends decide to have a picnic together?
  3. What did each veggie friend want to bring for the picnic?
  4. How did the veggie friends solve their problem?
  5. What did the veggie friends learn from their picnic adventure?

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