The Green Elephant and the Blue Carrot

Once upon a time, there was a green elephant who lived in a gray forest. One day, the elephant came across a white rabbit who was hopping by. The elephant asked the rabbit, "Why are you so happy?" The rabbit replied, "I found a blue carrot!" The elephant was curious and asked, "Where did you find it?" The rabbit said, "In the pink meadow."

So, the elephant followed the rabbit to the pink meadow and saw black and red ants fighting over the blue carrot. The elephant thought for a moment and then had an idea. He used his trunk to create a purple bridge between the black ant's home and the red ant's home. The ants were so grateful, they shared the blue carrot with the elephant and rabbit. And they all lived happily ever after, sharing and helping each other. The end.


  • What was the green elephant's idea to solve the conflict between the black and red ants?
  • Why did the rabbit jump happily in the story?
  • What color was the carrot that the ants were fighting over?
  • What did the ants do after the elephant helped them?
  • What color was the elephant's home?

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