The Magic of Jam and Friends

Once upon a time in a small village, there lived a man who loved to play with his glass ball. One day while playing, he accidentally dropped the ball and it shattered into pieces. The man was sad until he noticed a lemon tree nearby. He picked a lemon and squeezed its juice on the broken pieces of glass. Suddenly, a magical frog appeared and said, "You have found the secret recipe for making jam! Would you like me to show you how?"

The man was amazed and said yes. The frog took him to a nearby apple orchard and showed him how to make jam from apples and lemons. The man put on his hat and went door to door, selling his delicious jam.

As he was walking, he saw a little girl with a doll crying. He asked her what was wrong, and she said she lost her kite. The man offered to help her find it. They searched high and low, and finally, they found the kite stuck in a tree. The little girl was so happy she gave the man her last egg as a token of appreciation.

The man went back home, feeling happy and proud of himself. As he was eating his egg, a cat jumped on his lap and started purring. The man smiled and said, "Today has been a good day." And they all lived happily ever after.


  1. What happened to the glass ball the man was playing with?
  2. How did the man make jam from the lemons and apples?
  3. Who helped the little girl find her kite?
  4. What did the man receive as a token of appreciation from the little girl?
  5. Why was the man happy at the end of the story?

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