The Adventure of the Breathing Bees

Once upon a time, there was a hive full of bees who were tired of their wings and wanted to try something new. So, they visited an amphibian who lived in a pond nearby, who had gills to breathe underwater. The bees asked the amphibian, "How do you breathe underwater?" The amphibian replied, "With my gills, of course!"

The bees were fascinated and asked the amphibian if they could try his gills. The amphibian agreed and let each bee take turns breathing underwater with his gills. After trying it out, the bees decided they liked their wings better and thanked the amphibian for letting them try his gills.

Next, the bees went on a journey to find more animals with unique ways of breathing. They met a bird with feathers and learned how it used its lungs to breathe air. They also met a mammal with fur and skin and discovered how it breathed through its nose and mouth. Lastly, the bees met a reptile with scales and learned about how it breathed through its nostrils.

In the end, the bees were grateful for their wings and the ability to fly. They also appreciated all the different ways animals breathe and how special each one is. And that, my friends, is the tale of the curious bees and their adventure to learn about breathing.


  1. What did the bees want to try that was different from their wings?
  2. How did the amphibian breathe underwater?
  3. Which animal did the bees meet with feathers?
  4. How does a mammal breathe?
  5. What did the bees learn about breathing and how did it make them feel about their wings?

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