The Lemon Prank and the Noodle Feast

Once upon a time, there lived a mischievous monkey who loved to play pranks. One day, he found a lemon and decided to use it for his next prank. He went to the jungle where all the animals lived and placed the lemon under the nose of a sleeping lion. When the lion woke up and smelled the lemon, he sneezed so loud that the whole jungle shook! The mouse who was nearby, scared, ran and hid in a nearby tree.
The monkey then took the key of the tree where the mouse was hiding and locked him inside. The mouse cried for help, but the monkey just laughed and ran away. The mouse was stuck in the tree until a kangaroo appeared and offered to help him out. The kangaroo used his tail as a key to open the tree and freed the mouse.
As a reward, the mouse offered to cook noodles for the kangaroo and the lion. They all sat together and enjoyed a delicious meal. Suddenly, an octopus appeared and asked to join them. The octopus helped them finish the noodles and they all lived happily ever after. The end.


  1. What was the monkey's prank?
  2. How did the mouse get freed from the tree?
  3. Who helped finish the noodles?
  4. Who offered to help the mouse?
  5. How did everyone feel at the end of the story?

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