The Tooth-Brushing Pirate and the Orange-Brushing Robot

Once upon a time, there was a pirate who loved to brush his teeth. One day, he met a robot who also loved to brush his teeth but with an orange toothbrush. The pirate and the robot became best friends and decided to go on adventures together.

One day, they overheard a woman talking about a fairy who lived in the forest and granted wishes. The pirate and the robot set off in their jeep to find the fairy.

When they arrived at the fairy's lair, she asked them what their wish was. The pirate wished for a lifetime supply of orange toothbrushes, and the robot wished for a lifetime supply of toothpaste.

The fairy granted their wishes and the pirate and the robot were so happy that they decided to throw a big brushing party to celebrate. They invited all the creatures in the forest, and everyone had a great time brushing their teeth and eating oranges.

From that day on, the pirate and the robot were known as the best brushers in all the land and everyone wanted to be just like them!


  1. Why did the pirate and the robot become best friends?
  2. What did the pirate and the robot wish for from the fairy?
  3. How did everyone at the brushing party feel about brushing their teeth?
  4. What happened after the brushing party?
  5. Can you think of a different wish the pirate or the robot could have made instead?

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