The New Year's Timer Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a New Year's party where everyone wore a party hat and mask. They were counting down to the new year with a timer, getting ready to pop open the champagne and throw confetti in the air. Just as the timer hit zero, the doorbell rang! It was the delivery man with a big box for the host. The host tore off the wrapping paper to find... a giant egg timer! "This timer is even better than the one we have!" he exclaimed. So, they set the giant timer for the countdown to the new year. As soon as it hit zero, the champagne cork popped and confetti flew everywhere. But, wait! What's this? A tiny mouse had climbed inside the timer and gotten stuck! "Oh no!" cried the host. "We have to help our new friend!" So, they carefully took apart the timer and freed the mouse. From then on, the mouse became the official timer-keeper of all their parties and they all lived happily ever after. The end.


-What do you think the party-goers were counting down to?
-What was inside the box from the delivery man?
-What happened when the timer hit zero?
-How did the mouse become the official timer-keeper?
-Do you think the mouse was happy or scared to be stuck in the timer? Why?

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