Grin's Rainbow Castle Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a green dragon named Grin who lived in a colorful kingdom. One day, the king declared a contest for the most beautiful castle. Grin decided to build a castle using different colors of paint - yellow, pink, orange, white, red, brown, blue, black. He worked hard and finally, his castle was ready. He was very proud of it! But when he showed it to the king, the king laughed and said, "Grin, your castle looks like a rainbow vomit!" Grin was confused, but then he noticed that the castle looked like a mess because he had used all the colors haphazardly. So, he decided to fix it. He rearranged the colors and his castle looked stunning. The king was amazed and declared Grin as the winner of the contest. From that day on, Grin was known as the best castle builder in the kingdom. The End.


  1. Why did the king laugh when Grin showed him the castle?
  2. What did Grin learn about using different colors?
  3. Can you think of a better way for Grin to have arranged the colors in his castle?
  4. Why do you think the king declared Grin as the winner of the contest?

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