The Fun-Filled Friends Party

Once upon a time, there was a group of friends who loved to dance, play, see, sit, sing, read, and cook. One day, they all decided to have a big party together. They danced and played games until they were tired, then they sat down to rest. Suddenly, one of them suggested they sing a song, so they all started singing their favorite tunes. Next, they decided to read a silly story and have a good laugh. Finally, they put on their aprons and started cooking up a delicious feast. They had so much fun that evening, they decided to make it a weekly tradition. From that day forward, every week they would dance, play, see, sit, sing, read, and cook together. The end.


-What did the friends like to do together?
-What did they do at the party?
-What happened at the end of the story?
-What would you like to do if you had a party with friends?

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