The Body Part Party

Once upon a time, there was a leg who wanted to play with all its body parts. So, the leg asked the hand to help out. But the hand said "I can only play if my fingers are included." The leg agreed and they started playing. They asked the hair to join in, but the hair said "I can only come if my eye sees what's going on." The eye joined and then they all asked the knee to join, but the knee said "I can't play until my toes are included." So, the toes joined in and they all played together. Suddenly, the belly said "I want to play too!" But the foot said "You can't play unless you have teeth to laugh with." And so, the teeth joined in and they all had a great time playing and laughing together!


  1. Why did the hand only want to play if its fingers were included?
  2. How did each body part make sure it was able to join the party?
  3. Can you think of any other body parts that could have joined the party?
  4. What did the belly have to do in order to join the party?
  5. Why do you think the story was called "The Body Part Party"?

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