The Orange Pirate Hat Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a woman who wanted to be a pirate. She had a jeep that she used to travel around the world in search of treasure. One day, she came across a robot that was stuck on a deserted island. The robot asked her for help and she agreed. The robot told her about a magical fairy who lived on the island and granted wishes.

The woman went in search of the fairy and found her brushing her hair with an orange brush. The fairy granted the woman's wish to become a pirate and gave her a special orange pirate hat. The woman was so happy and set off on her pirate adventures. But every time she saw an orange, she thought of the fairy and smiled. The end.


  1. What did the robot ask the woman for help with?
  2. How did the woman become a pirate?
  3. What was special about the pirate hat the fairy gave the woman?
  4. Why did the woman smile every time she saw an orange?

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