Pen, Ear, and the Mischievous Chair

Once upon a time, there was a pencil named Pen who lived on a desk. One day, while Pen was doodling away, an eraser named Ear bumped into him.
"Hey watch it!" cried Pen.
"Sorry," replied Ear, "I was just trying to reach that chair."
Ear explained that the chair was teasing him because he kept erasing the drawings in a book on the table.
So, with help from Pen and a nearby bag, they came up with a plan to teach the chair a lesson.
They put the book in the bag, climbed up on the chair, and began to draw all over it.
The chair was so surprised that it couldn't stop laughing, and from then on, it never teased Ear again.
The end.


  1. Why was Ear bumping into Pen?
  2. How did Pen, Ear, and the bag teach the chair a lesson?
  3. How did the chair react to the lesson?
  4. What do you think would have happened if the chair continued to tease Ear?

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