Once upon a time, in a magical forest, there lived a group of rabbits who hopped around and played together. One day, while they were out exploring, they came across a pond where a group of frogs were croaking and having fun. The rabbits and frogs quickly became friends and would often play together by the pond.
One day, while they were playing, they heard a loud noise coming from the jungle. They went to investigate and found a monkey swinging from tree to tree. The monkey introduced himself as George and he explained that he was running away from a mean lion who wanted to eat him. The rabbits and frogs knew they had to help their new friend, so they came up with a plan.
They went to the forest where the lion lived and made a lot of noise, pretending to be a big group of animals. The lion, who was very scared of bears, thought that a group of bears were coming to get him, so he ran away as fast as he could.
The monkey was so grateful to his new friends and decided to stay in the forest with them. They played together every day and even met a friendly giraffe and elephant who joined in on the fun.
One day, a group of monkeys came to the forest and George was so excited to see his family. The rabbits and frogs were happy for their friend and welcomed his family to the forest. They all continued to play and have fun together, in the magical forest where friendship knows no bounds.
The end.
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