The Emotions' Contest: A Tale of Laughter and Joy in Feelings Land

Once upon a time, there was a group of emotions named Surprised, Happy, Scared, Sad, Sleepy, Bored, Excited, Tired, Sick, Angry and Hungry. They all lived in a kingdom called Feelings Land.
One day, the king of Feelings Land decided to hold a contest to see which emotion was the best. Each emotion was to perform a task to show their strength.
Surprised was first, but when he tried to jump over a hurdle, he fell asleep and was declared the winner for being the sleepiest.
Happy was next, and she made everyone laugh with her silly faces, winning the title of funniest.
Scared tried to hide from a monster, but ended up getting tired and taking a nap, so she won for being the most tired.
Sad tried to make everyone cry, but she couldn't stop laughing and won for being the happiest.
Sleepy tried to stay awake, but failed and won for being the sleepiest.
Bored tried to find something to do, but got excited when she found a good book, winning for being the most excited.
Excited tried to jump higher than Happy, but was too tired and took a nap, winning for being the most tired.
Tired tried to run a race, but fell asleep at the starting line, winning for being the sleepiest.
Sick tried to make everyone sick, but ended up making them happy with her funny antics, winning for being the funniest.
Angry tried to scare everyone, but ended up making them laugh, winning for being the funniest.
Hungry tried to eat everything in sight, but got too full and took a nap, winning for being the sleepiest.
In the end, all the emotions realized that they were all winners in their own way and the kingdom of Feelings Land was filled with happiness and laughter!


  1. Which emotion do you think won for being the funniest?
  2. Can you think of another task that each emotion could have performed?
  3. How do you think the other emotions felt about their win or loss?
  4. If you were a emotion, which one would you want to be and why?
  5. Do you think it's important to embrace all of our emotions, even the difficult ones?

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