Once upon a time, there was a fox who came to the forest to find food. He saw a fish in the river and decided to catch it for his dinner. But as he was about to grab the fish, an elephant came and scared him away. The fox ran into the jungle and stumbled upon an eagle carrying a bird in its beak. The eagle offered to help the fox catch the fish if he helped the eagle find a suitable tree for the bird to build its nest.
The fox agreed, and they set out on their journey. Along the way, they met a frog, a giraffe, a bear, and a dolphin. The frog offered to help them find the perfect tree if they helped him find a girlfriend. The group agreed, and they continued their search.
As they were searching, they encountered a crocodile who was feeling sad because he couldn't find any friends. The group offered to be his friend, and the crocodile was overjoyed. They finally found the perfect tree for the bird's nest and the frog found a girlfriend. The group celebrated with a big feast, and the fox finally got to have his fish for dinner! They all lived happily ever after, always sticking together as friends.
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