Timmy's Organized House: A Lesson in Planning and Organization

Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to organize and plan things out. He had a special room in his house that was just for his schoolwork. He had a big desk with a workbook open on it, and a calendar hanging on the wall. Next to the calendar were lots of pictures of Timmy and his family, and a clock that he had made himself.

Timmy was very organized and he always made sure that his pencils were sharp. He had a pencil sharpener on his desk, and he used it every day. He also had a jar full of paper clips on his desk. He used the paper clips to keep his papers in order.

Timmy loved his special room because it was quiet and he could think. He had big windows that let in lots of light, and he could see the trees outside. But when he needed to focus, he would close the curtains and work in the dark. He also had a door that he could close so he wouldn't be bothered.

One day, Timmy's teacher asked the class to make a model of a house. Timmy knew just what to do. He took out his workbook and started to plan. He used paper clips to make the walls, and pencils to make the windows and doors. He even used a pencil sharpener to make a chimney.

When Timmy was finished, his model house was the best in the class. His teacher was so impressed that she asked him to show the class how he had made it. Timmy happily explained his process and shared his love of organization and planning. From that day on, all of his classmates wanted to be just like Timmy and make their own organized and well-planned houses.

The end.


  1. What is Timmy's favorite room in his house?
  2. How does Timmy keep his papers in order?
  3. What does Timmy use to make the chimney in his model house?
  4. Why did Timmy's teacher ask him to show the class how he made his model house?
  5. What did Timmy's classmates want to do after seeing his model house?

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