Sally's Dimension Jump Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Sally. She loved to draw and color, so she always had a pencil sharpener and a workbook full of blank pages by her side.
One day, while she was sitting at her desk, looking out the window and daydreaming, she heard a strange noise. It sounded like something was scratching at her door. She got up to see what it was, but when she opened the door, there was nothing there.
Sally shrugged and went back to her desk. But as she sat down, she noticed something strange. Her pencil sharpener, workbook, and paper clip were all missing! She looked around the room, but she couldn't find them anywhere.
Then she noticed that the clock on the wall was ticking faster than usual. And when she looked at the calendar, she saw that it was a different date than she had thought.
Sally was confused. Had she lost track of time? Or had someone come into her room and taken her things while she was looking out the window? She decided to ask her parents if they knew anything, but they were just as puzzled as she was.

Sally decided to retrace her steps and look for her missing items. She went back to her door and opened it, but this time she noticed something different. There was a picture hanging on the wall outside her room. It was a painting of a little girl sitting at her desk, looking out the window, with all her supplies by her side.
Sally realized that she had accidentally walked into a different dimension and she got back to her dimension by looking at the painting.
She was relieved and happy to have her things back. From that day on, she made sure to pay more attention to her surroundings and to not daydream too much.
The end.


  1. What do you think Sally was feeling when she first heard the strange noise at her door?
  2. Why do you think Sally's pencil sharpener, workbook, and paper clip disappeared?
  3. Why do you think Sally was able to return to her own dimension by looking at the painting?

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