The Magic Clock and Tim's Fish-Horse Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a boy named Tim who lived in a house with a big window. One day, he noticed a fish swimming in the nearby lake. Tim decided to catch the fish and put it in his room on a clock that was sitting on the windowsill.

The next day, Tim woke up to find that the fish had grown into a horse that was too big to fit through the door! So Tim took the horse out of the window and went for a ride around the nearby tree.

Along the way, they met a girl who was very surprised to see a boy riding a horse that used to be a fish. The three of them had a lot of fun together, playing games and exploring the countryside.

Eventually, it was time for Tim and his new horse-friend to go back home. But how would they get the horse through the door? Tim had an idea! He asked the girl to help him turn the clock backwards, and just like magic, the horse became a fish again and swam back into the lake.

From that day on, Tim visited his new fish-friend every day and they always had a great time together. The end.


  1. What was the boy's name in the story?
  2. What happened to the fish that the boy caught?
  3. What did the boy and the girl do to turn the horse back into a fish?
  4. Why did Tim visit the lake every day?
  5. If you could have a magic clock, what would you do with it?

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