Once upon a time, there was a man who owned a van. He loved to drive around and go on adventures. One day, he decided to bring along some friends. He invited along a cat, a rat, and a bat. They all hopped into the van and set off on their journey.
As they were driving, the van suddenly broke down. The man realized he needed to fix the fan. So, he took out his hat and started to work. While he was fixing the fan, the cat, the rat, and the bat decided to explore the area.
The cat ran into the nearby woods and soon came across a pan. The cat thought the pan would be great for cooking up a meal for everyone. So, the cat picked up the pan and started to run back to the van. However, the cat tripped and fell, causing the pan to fly into the air and land on the man's head.
The man, who was now wearing the pan as a hat, looked up and saw the cat, the rat, and the bat all running back towards him. He couldn't help but laugh at the silly scene.
From that day on, the man always wore the pan as his hat and told everyone the story of how he got it. And every time he told the story, he and his friends would all laugh and have a good time.
The end.
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