The Adventure of the Clever insect and his magical jeep

Here's a story:

Once upon a time, there was an insect who lived in an orange grove. He loved to play with the juicy oranges and watch the woman pick them. One day, the insect met a fairy who granted him three wishes. He wished for a jeep, a robot, and a giant tomato.
The next day, the insect woke up to find a jeep, a robot, and a giant tomato waiting for him. He was so excited that he drove the jeep to the beach to show his friends. Along the way, he met a pirate who wanted to steal his tomato. But the insect had a plan. He asked the robot to paint the tomato to look like glass. The pirate was fooled and left empty-handed.
The insect then went to a restaurant where he ordered a big bowl of tomato soup. But he couldn't eat it without a brush, so he asked the fairy for one more wish. The fairy granted his wish and gave him a brush. The insect used the brush to eat his soup, and he lived happily ever after.
The end.


  1. What did the insect wish for?
  2. How did the insect outsmart the pirate?
  3. Why did the insect want a brush?
  4. What did the insect do with his tomato?
  5. What happened to the insect at the end of the story?

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