The Picnic Adventure: A Tale of a Brave Knight, a Ticklish Dragon, and a Family in Fancy Dress

Once upon a time, there was a grandma who lived with her daughter, son-in-law, and three grandchildren - a sister, brother, and their little cousin. One day, they all decided to go on a picnic. Grandma packed sandwiches, Grandpa brought his fishing gear, and the parents brought the frisbee.

But as they walked through the park, they noticed that everyone was in fancy dress. Grandma suggested they join the fun and everyone agreed. So, Grandma became a queen, Grandpa a king, Mum a fairy, Dad a wizard, the sister a princess, and the brother a knight.

They had a great time playing games and having fun, but then they heard a loud growl. They discovered a dragon had come to ruin the picnic! The brother bravely stepped forward to protect everyone, but he realized he had left his sword at home. Just then, Grandpa came to the rescue with his trusty fishing rod, and managed to subdue the dragon by tickling its belly!

The picnic resumed with even more laughter and joy, and the family went home with great stories to tell. From that day on, they always dressed up for their picnics, and the brother made sure to never forget his sword again.


  • What did each family member dress up as for the picnic?
  • Who was the dragon trying to ruin the picnic?
  • How did Grandpa defeat the dragon?
  • Why did the brother forget his sword?
  • What is the moral of the story?

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