The Magic Garden: A Delicious Adventure

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there lived a little girl named Lucy. She loved to eat all kinds of delicious foods, but her favorites were grapes, peaches, and pancakes.

One day, while out on a walk, she came across a magical garden. As she explored the garden, she found rows and rows of grapevines, peach trees, and a large pancake bush. Excitedly, she picked as many grapes and peaches as she could carry and made her way back home.

When she got home, her mother asked her what she had brought back from her walk. Lucy showed her mother the grapes and peaches and her mother suggested making a delicious stew with them. Lucy helped her mother chop up the fruits and add them to a pot of simmering water. They also added some hamburger and cheese for extra flavor.

The stew was delicious and they all enjoyed it for dinner. The next day, Lucy's mother suggested they make pancakes for breakfast. But this time, instead of using regular batter, they used batter made from the pancake bush berries. They were the most delicious pancakes they had ever tasted.

For lunch, they had pasta with steak and cheese, it was a very tasty and satisfying meal. And for the next week, they enjoyed all the fruits from the magical garden, eating grapes, peaches, pancakes, hamburgers, stew, cheese, pasta, and steak. They were never hungry again and lived happily ever after.

The end.


  1. What was Lucy's favorite food?
  2. What did Lucy find in the magical garden?
  3. What did Lucy's mother suggest they make with the grapes and peaches?
  4. What did they have for breakfast the next day?

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