The Bear's Prank: A Jungle Adventure

Once upon a time in the jungle, there was a bear who loved to play pranks on his animal friends. One day, he thought it would be funny to switch everyone's usual homes. So, he convinced a bird to live in a fish's house, a dolphin to live in a frog's pond, and a giraffe to live in a fox's den.

The next day, the bear went to visit his friends and found that the bird was having a great time swimming with the fish, the dolphin was hopping around the pond like a frog, and the giraffe was snuggled up comfortably in the fox's den. But when he got to the elephant's home, he found a crocodile instead! The bear was so surprised that he didn't know what to do.

Just then, an eagle flew overhead and spotted the bear in trouble. The eagle swooped down and offered to help. Together, they chased the crocodile away and returned the elephant to its rightful home.

The bear learned an important lesson that day: playing pranks is fun, but it's even better when everyone gets along. From then on, he made sure to always include all of his friends in his jokes and adventures, even the hare who had been too shy to participate before. And they all lived happily ever after, until the bear came up with another silly idea!


  1. What did the bear do to his friends' homes?
  2. Who helped the bear when he was in trouble?
  3. What did the bear learn from this experience?
  4. What happened to the hare at the end of the story?
  5. Can you think of a silly joke that the bear could play on his friends next time?

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