The Adventure of Harry and Friends: A Body Part Brigade Story

Once upon a time, there was a hand named Harry who lived on a belly named Benny. Harry loved to play with Benny's teeth and tickle his foot. One day, Harry decided to explore the world outside of Benny and made his way up to the hair.
On the hair, he met a toe named Tilly who was wiggling and giggling. Tilly invited Harry to come play a game of hide-and-seek with her and their friends, the knee named Kenny and the finger named Freddie.
As they played, they found an eye named Ivy who had lost her glasses. Harry offered to help and used his hand to feel around for them. They finally found the glasses near a leg named Larry.
However, when they tried to give the glasses back to Ivy, they realized they had put the glasses on the wrong eye! Ivy couldn't see properly and started to stumble.
To help, the gang came up with a plan to use their bodies to guide Ivy. Harry held onto Ivy's glasses, Tilly wiggled her toe to lead the way, Kenny bent his knee to guide Ivy's steps, Freddie pointed his finger to show the direction, and Larry used his foot as a cane.
With their teamwork, they successfully helped Ivy find her way back home. From then on, they all became the best of friends, always helping each other and having lots of fun together.


  1. What did Harry and his friends use their bodies for?
  2. Who was Ivy and what happened to her glasses?
  3. How did Harry and his friends help Ivy find her way home?
  4. Why did Harry and his friends become the best of friends?

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