The Misadventures of One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, and Seven

Once upon a time, there were seven friends named One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, and Seven. They lived in a magical world where numbers had personalities.
One day, Three suggested they play a game of hide and seek. The rules were simple, Three would count to ten while the others hid. The last one found would be the winner.
But when Three started counting, Four and Five got stuck in a tree. Six went into a cave and couldn't find his way out. Seven kept running in circles and lost track of time.
One, Two, and Three searched high and low, but couldn't find their friends. So they decided to come up with a plan. They made a map and marked all the places they searched.
Finally, they found Four and Five stuck in the tree and Six in the cave. But where was Seven? Just then, Seven popped out of a bush, shouting "Boo!"
Everyone laughed and cheered, and Seven was declared the winner. From that day on, they all agreed to always stay together and never play hide and seek again.


  1. Who was the winner of the hide and seek game?
  2. Why did Four and Five get stuck in the tree?
  3. How did One, Two, and Three find their friends?
  4. What did Seven do when he was found?
  5. Why did they all agree to never play hide and seek again?

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