The Adventure Behind the Big Bush

Once upon a time, there were three friends named Max, Mia, and Ben. They were playing outside on a beautiful sunny day. Max was sitting next to a big tree, Mia was in front of a big flower bed, and Ben was behind a big bush.

Max was reading a book and enjoying the shade of the tree. Mia was picking flowers and putting them in her basket. Ben was playing with his toy cars and making car noises. They were having a great time.

Suddenly, they heard a loud noise coming from behind the big bush. Ben was curious and went to investigate. He found a little rabbit hiding behind the bush. The rabbit looked scared and lost.

Mia, who was in front of the flower bed, saw the rabbit and ran over to help. Max, who was sitting next to the tree, put down his book and joined them. Together, they helped the rabbit find its way back to its home in the forest.

The rabbit was so grateful and thanked them for their kindness. Max, Mia, and Ben were happy to have made a new friend. They said goodbye to the rabbit and went back to their own games. From that day on, they always remembered the adventure they had and the new friend they made behind the big bush.


  1. Why did Max, Mia, and Ben help the rabbit?
  2. How did the rabbit feel before Max, Mia, and Ben helped it?
  3. What did Max, Mia, and Ben learn from their experience with the rabbit?

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