Timmy the Impatient Cat's Impractical Wish

Once upon a time, there was an informal, immature and impatient cat named Timmy. Timmy thought he was too independent for the other animals in the forest. He wanted to have his own invisible house that was inexpensive and practical.
One day, Timmy found a magic wand and thought it would help make his dream come true. He began waving the wand around saying "I want an invisible house!"
But something went wrong and instead of becoming invisible, Timmy became invisible himself! He realized that it was inappropriate to use magic for personal gain and that it was impossible for him to build a house by himself.
So he had to wait for the next magic user to pass by and reverse the spell. Meanwhile, Timmy learned to appreciate his friends and the home he already had. The end.


  1. Why was Timmy impatient and immature?
  2. How did Timmy's wish for an invisible house go wrong?
  3. What did Timmy learn from this experience?
  4. Why do you think it was inappropriate for Timmy to use magic for personal gain?
  5. What can we learn from Timmy's story about friendship and the importance of appreciating what we have?

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