Lily's Egg-Chicken Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved to cook. One day, she went to the market and bought cherries, potatoes, bread, milk, rice, onions, oranges, fish, and tea. When she got home, she realized she forgot to buy chicken. So, she went back to the market, but they were all sold out.

Just then, she saw an egg and had an idea. She decided to make a chicken out of the egg and the other ingredients she had bought. She mixed the rice, potatoes, onions, and orange juice together and shaped it into a chicken. Then, she put the mixture in the oven and waited for it to cook.

When it was done, she served the "chicken" with bread, cherries, and a cup of tea. To her surprise, it actually tasted delicious! Her family was impressed and laughed at how creative she was. From that day on, whenever they ran out of chicken, they would ask Lily to make her special egg-chicken dish. The end.


  1. How did Lily make the egg-chicken dish?
  2. What ingredients did she use?
  3. What was the reaction of Lily's family when they tasted the dish?
  4. What do you think the egg-chicken dish might taste like?
  5. Can you think of another creative recipe you could make with the ingredients from the story?

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