Once upon a time, in a far-off land, there was a magical school for young wizards and witches. Every day, the students would gather in the classroom to learn new spells and incantations. But one day, something strange happened. All of the tools that the students used to practice their magic - their magnets, calculators, colored pencils, rubber bands, push pins, paint brushes, and staplers - suddenly disappeared!
The students were at a loss. Without their tools, they couldn't practice their magic. But one clever student had an idea. She suggested that they use their imagination and work together to create new tools out of the everyday objects around them.
The students excitedly set to work. They used magnets to levitate pencils and paint brushes, and used rubber bands to create wands that could cast spells. They even used push pins and staplers to create intricate designs on their spell books.
With their new tools, the students were able to practice their magic like never before. They amazed their teachers with the stunning spells and incantations they had created. And from that day on, they knew that with a little bit of creativity and teamwork, anything was possible.
The end.
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