The Adventures of Peter, Penelope, & Friends: A Fun-Filled Story of Friendship.

Once upon a time, there was a pen named Peter who lived on a table in a classroom. Peter loved to write stories in his book, but often made mistakes. One day, he met a pencil named Penelope who never made mistakes. They became best friends and decided to go on an adventure.

As they were exploring the room, they stumbled upon an eraser who was feeling sad because no one wanted to play with him. Peter, Penelope, and the eraser became a team and set off to find a new friend.

They searched high and low, under chairs and on top of books, until they finally found a friendly chair named Charlie. Charlie loved to rock back and forth and have a good time.

Together, the four friends had the most wonderful time playing games, telling jokes, and just having fun. And from that day on, the eraser was never sad again because he had found three new friends to play with.


1) Who is Peter in the story?
2) Who joined Peter and Penelope on their adventure?
3) What did the friends do together?
4) Why was the eraser feeling sad at first?
5) What made the eraser happy in the end?

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