The Adventures of the Talking Bag and Friends

Once upon a time, there was a magical bag that could talk. One day, the bag was feeling bored, so it decided to play a game with all the objects on the table. First, it asked the pen, "Do you want to race to the other side of the table?" The pen replied, "I'm not good at running, but I'll try my best." The bag then asked the pencil, "How about you?" The pencil said, "Sure, I love a good race!" So, they started running across the table, but the pen tripped and rolled off the edge. The bag and pencil quickly ran to the edge to see where the pen had gone. They found him lying on the floor next to the chair. The chair asked the pen, "Are you okay?" The pen replied, "I think I just need a little rest." The book on the shelf overheard the commotion and jumped down to see what was going on. The eraser, who was also nearby, joined in as well. The bag, pencil, book, and eraser helped the pen back onto the table and continued their game, laughing and having fun. And from that day on, they were the best of friends and always found new adventures to go on together.


  1. What made the bag feel bored?
  2. Why did the pen say it was not good at running?
  3. How did the objects help the pen when it fell off the table?
  4. What happened after they helped the pen?
  5. Why do you think the story has a happy ending?

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