The Umpire Turtle and the Sportsman Tiger

Once upon a time, there was a turtle named Tim who lived in a tent. One day, Tim's uncle took him on a camping trip and they set up their tent near the forest. Suddenly, a tiger appeared and started chasing them! They ran as fast as they could, but the tiger was getting closer.
Just then, an umbrella flew down from the sky and landed on Tim's head. The turtle had a brilliant idea. He opened the umbrella and held it up like a flag. The tiger stopped in his tracks, confused. Tim declared himself the umpire of the jungle and called a time-out.
The tiger asked, "What's going on?" Tim explained that he was a teacher and was here to teach the animals about sportsmanship. The tiger was interested, so Tim taught him how to play a game of catch. They had so much fun that the tiger became Tim's best friend.
From that day on, the tiger and the turtle played games together every time they went camping. And whenever they needed an umpire, Tim always brought his trusty umbrella. The end.


  1. What did Tim do when he saw the tiger chasing him and his uncle?
  2. Why did the tiger stop chasing Tim and his uncle?
  3. How did Tim and the tiger become friends?
  4. What did Tim teach the tiger about?
  5. Why did Tim bring his umbrella with him on the camping trip?

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