The Best Hiding Place

Once upon a time, there was a mother who had three children: a girl, a boy, and a baby. The girl and the boy were always playing together and having fun. One day, they decided to play a game of hide and seek. The girl found the best hiding place, but she couldn't find the boy. She asked her father for help, but he was too busy working. So she asked her brother and sister to help her search. They searched everywhere but couldn't find the boy. Suddenly, they heard a cry coming from the baby's room. When they got there, they found the boy hiding in the baby's crib! The baby was giggling, and the girl, brother, and sister started laughing too. They realized that it was the best hiding place after all. From that day on, they made sure to include the baby in all their games. The end.


  1. Why was the baby giggling in the crib?
  2. Who helped the girl find the boy?
  3. What did they realize about the baby's room being a good hiding place?
  4. Why did they include the baby in all their games from then on?

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