The Aubergine's Mischief

Once upon a time there was an Aubergine who loved to play pranks. One day, he decided to play a trick on his vegetable friends Pepper, Salad, Cucumber, Carrot and Corn. He told them all that the farmer was going to make a special soup and whoever was chosen would become the star ingredient.

So, each vegetable started practicing their best poses and trying to look as delicious as possible. But Aubergine had other plans, he sneakily added some carrots and corn to his own bowl, making himself look more tempting.

On the day of the soup, the farmer came to choose the star ingredient, he looked at all the vegetables and finally picked... drumroll please... Aubergine! All the vegetables were shocked, but then they noticed that Aubergine had some carrots and corn sticking out of his bowl.

Everyone burst out laughing and Aubergine couldn't stop blushing. From that day on, he promised to never play tricks on his friends again, and everyone lived happily ever after.


  1. What was Aubergine's plan?
  2. How did the other vegetables react when they found out Aubergine's trick?
  3. What lesson did Aubergine learn in the end?
  4. What do you think would have happened if the farmer picked another vegetable instead of Aubergine?

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