The Mischievous Mouse and the Clever Cat

Once upon a time, in a house lived a mischievous little mouse named Max. One day, Max was feeling bored and decided to play a prank on his friend, the cat, who lived in the wardrobe.

Max took a stool, climbed up to reach the hanger on the wardrobe door and tied it to the iron. The iron fell down with a loud thud, making the cat jump out of his pillow in surprise.

The cat then saw that his cupboard was wide open, and all his favorite combs were missing. Max had stolen them and hidden them behind the curtains.

The cat became upset and decided to lock Max inside the wardrobe. Max tried to escape but the lock was too strong. Just when Max thought he was stuck forever, he remembered a pair of scissors he had seen on the blanket.

Max used the scissors to cut the curtains and found his way out. The cat was so impressed by Max's cleverness that he forgave him and let him keep the combs as a reward.

From that day on, Max and the cat became the best of friends and played pranks on each other all the time.

The End!


  1. What was the prank Max played on the cat?
  2. How did the cat react to the prank?
  3. How did Max escape from the wardrobe?
  4. How did the relationship between Max and the cat change after the prank?
  5. If you were Max, what would you have done differently?

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