The Fun-Filled Picnic in the Park with Flowers, Hats, Jumps, Grapes, Jellyfish, Gorilla, Fish, and Hot Sun

Once upon a time, a group of friends went on a picnic to the park. They brought their favorite foods and drinks, including a jar of grapes and a bowl of jellyfish for dessert.

As they were about to eat, a gorilla appeared from the bushes wearing a funny hat. The friends were surprised but the gorilla started to jump and play with them.

They decided to share their food with the gorilla, who loved the grapes and jellyfish so much that he started to dance happily. Suddenly, a fish jumped out of the nearby pond and joined in on the fun.

The friends, the gorilla, and the fish continued to play and have a great time until it got too hot. They all took a break under a big flower to cool off and enjoy the rest of their picnic.

And that's the story of the flower, hat, jump, grapes, jellyfish, gorilla, fish, and hot day picnic in the park!


  1. What kind of food and drinks did the friends bring to the picnic?
  2. What happened when the gorilla appeared from the bushes?
  3. Who joined the friends, the gorilla, and the jellyfish in their picnic?
  4. How did the friends, the gorilla, and the fish feel during their picnic?
  5. Why did they all take a break under the big flower?

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