The Lion, the Nose, and the Lemon Noodle Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a lion with a very long nose. One day, he found a lemon and decided to make lemonade. But, he needed sugar. So, he asked his friend the monkey for help. The monkey suggested they use a key to open the sugar jar. The lion tried the key but it wouldn't fit. Suddenly, a mouse appeared and offered them a noodle to sweeten the lemonade instead. They agreed and the mouse brought an octopus who loved to cook. The octopus made the best lemon noodle drink and even the kangaroo came to join in the fun. They all lived happily ever after and enjoyed their sweet lemon noodle drink every day.


  • Who made the lemonade?
  • What did the lion use to try to open the sugar jar?
  • How did they sweeten the lemonade?
  • Who offered to help make the lemonade?
  • Who came to join in the fun of drinking the lemon noodle drink?

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