The Rat-Catching Cat in a Hat with a Fan

Once upon a time, there was a man named Can. He lived in a small village and had a pet cat. One day, Can went to the market to buy a hat for his cat. While he was shopping, he saw a fan that he liked. He decided to buy it for himself and the hat for his cat.

When Can got back home, he found out that his cat had taken a nap on the mat. He put on the hat and started to use the fan, but a mischievous rat came along and stole the hat. The cat woke up and started chasing the rat with the fan in its paws. In no time, the rat was caught by the cat and the hat was safely returned to Can.

The entire village was entertained by this exciting chase and the next day, everyone was talking about the cat who caught a rat wearing a hat and using a fan. From then on, Can's cat became famous and was known as the "Rat Catcher".

The end.


  1. Why did Can buy a hat for his cat?
  2. How did the rat steal the hat?
  3. Who caught the rat in the end?
  4. Why was Can's cat famous after the incident?
  5. Can you think of another item that Can could have bought at the market?

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