Timmy's Adventure in School

Once upon a time, there was a school where all the students had to take different classes. They had art class, English class, music class, math class, swimming class, and computer class. Every day, the students would go to their classes and learn new things. They would paint in art class, read and write in English class, play instruments in music class, solve problems in math class, swim in swimming class, and learn about computers in computer class.

After their classes were over, the students would have lunch and then have some free time. Some of the students would play outside and run around, while others would take a nap to rest.

One day, a new student named Timmy joined the school. Timmy was very excited to start his classes, but he was a little nervous too. He didn't know what to expect from each class. But as he started going to his classes, he realized that he loved all of them. He loved painting in art class, reading and writing in English class, playing instruments in music class, solving problems in math class, swimming in swimming class, and learning about computers in computer class.

Timmy also loved playing outside with his friends and taking naps during free time. He felt very happy at the school and was glad that he joined. He was glad to learn new things every day and make new friends.

The end.


  1. What was Timmy feeling when he joined the school?
  2. What were the different classes that the students had to take?
  3. What did Timmy do during his free time at school?
  4. How did Timmy feel about the school and his classes at the end of the story?

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