Lila's Active Adventures

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lila. Lila was very active and loved to do many different activities.

She always loved to play tennis with her friends after school. Usually, she would read her e-mail before bedtime to catch up with her friends and family. Sometimes, Lila would do gymnastics on the weekends with her team.

But there were some things that Lila never did. She never liked to study English, and she never did her homework without being reminded.

One day, Lila's mother suggested that she try practicing karate. At first, Lila was not sure if she would like it, but she decided to give it a try. To her surprise, she found that she loved practicing karate!

From then on, Lila always made sure to practice karate, usually did her homework without being reminded, and sometimes even studied English. She never stopped playing tennis and doing gymnastics, but she had found a new hobby that she loved.

The end.


  1. What activities did Lila enjoy doing before she started practicing karate?
  2. Why did Lila not like to study English or do her homework before?
  3. How did Lila feel about practicing karate when her mother first suggested it?
  4. How did Lila change after she started practicing karate?

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