Lulu's Silly Outfit Adventure

Once upon a time there was a girl named Lulu who loved to dress up in funny outfits. One day, she decided to wear her blouse backwards, wrap her scarf around her waist as a belt, put on her trainers with swimsuit, wear a helmet on her head, and put a ring on her nose. She looked so silly that everyone in the park started to laugh and play along with her. They all started dressing up in their own silly outfits and had a big dance party together. The end.


  1. What did Lulu do to make everyone laugh and play along with her?
  2. What did Lulu wear on her head?
  3. How did the people in the park react to Lulu's silly outfit?
  4. What did everyone in the park start doing together?
  5. Why did Lulu wear her blouse backwards?

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