Lily's Adventure: From Sick to Happy

Once, there was a little girl named Lily who woke up feeling sick. She was sad and angry because she couldn't go to school. But then she was surprised when her mother told her she could stay home and watch movies all day.

Lily was happy at first, but soon got tired of watching movies and became bored. She was excited when her friends came over to play, but then she got sleepy and scared when they suggested playing hide and seek in the dark.

Finally, Lily's stomach growled and she realized she was hungry. She decided to make some popcorn, and soon enough, she was no longer tired, scared, or hungry. She was just happy to be surrounded by her friends and having fun.

The moral of the story is that even when you're feeling sick, sad, and angry, good things can still happen if you keep an open mind and a positive attitude.


  1. What was Lily feeling when she woke up?
  2. Why did Lily feel happy at first when her mother told her she could stay home from school?
  3. How did Lily's feelings change when she became bored with watching movies all day?
  4. What helped Lily to stop feeling tired, scared, and hungry?
  5. What is the moral of the story?

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