The Colorful Race Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a magical land where all colors lived in peace. One day, Red, Blue, Black, Pink, Yellow, White, Green, Brown, Purple, Orange, and Grey decided to have a race to see who was the fastest.

The race started, and Red was in the lead. But then, Pink came out of nowhere and passed Red with her cute little legs!
Yellow and Green were neck and neck, but Green slipped on a banana peel and fell behind.
Purple tried to use his flying powers, but he kept getting stuck in the trees.
Orange tried to cheat by jumping over the finish line, but he was caught by the color police, Batman Black and Robin White.

In the end, it was a close race between Blue and Brown. They were so close that they both crossed the finish line at the same time!
Everyone cheered and Grey declared them both winners.
From that day on, all the colors learned to work together and have fun, no matter who won the race. The end.


  1. Who won the race in the end?
  2. What did Orange try to do in the race?
  3. What did the colors learn from the race?
  4. Who declared the winners of the race?
  5. Why did Green fall behind in the race?

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