The Table Race Adventure of Pencil, Eraser, Pen, Chair, and Book.

Once upon a time, there was a pencil named Pencil who lived on a table. Pencil always loved to write and draw in his book, but sometimes he made mistakes. That's when his best friend Eraser came in handy!

One day, Pencil and Eraser were having a conversation and they noticed that the pen and chair were feeling left out. So, they came up with a plan to make them feel included.

Pencil suggested they all have a race around the table. The pen was so excited because he was known for being the fastest writer. However, when the race began, Pencil and Eraser started erasing and redrawing the lines on the table, making it harder for the pen to keep up.

In the end, the chair won the race because he was the only one not affected by the changing lines. Everyone cheered and laughed, and from then on, the pen, chair, and even the book, were always included in their fun adventures. The end.


  1. Who won the race and why do you think that happened?
  2. How did Pencil, Eraser, and Book make sure everyone was included in the fun?
  3. Do you think the pen felt left out before the race? Why or why not?
  4. What would you have done if you were in the chair's place?
  5. What do you think they will do next time to make sure everyone has a fair chance to win?

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