The Forest Friends' Fun-Filled Day

Once upon a time, in a forest there was an ant who loved to play pranks on his friends. One day he decided to play a joke on a snail who was always slow. The ant convinced the snail to race against a caterpillar, but when the race began the ant switched places with the snail. The snail won the race, but the caterpillar was so confused.
The next day, the snail and the caterpillar were approached by a beetle who wanted to join in the fun. They all decided to play a game of hide-and-seek together. When it was the ladybug's turn to seek, they all hid in plain sight, pretending to be leaves or sticks. The ladybug couldn't find them and they all had a good laugh.
A mosquito then joined in and wanted to play a game of tag. The ant was "it" and he chased everyone around the forest. Just when he was about to catch the dragonfly, a spider appeared and helped the dragonfly escape by spinning a web for him to fly through.
Finally, the day was ending and the friends were getting tired. They all rested on a leaf and the fly came to visit. The fly said, "I have an idea for a new game! Let's play 'Who can make the most noise!'" And so, they all started buzzing, chirping, and humming until they fell asleep.
The end.


  • Who was the first character in the story?
  • What did the ant do to the snail at the beginning of the story?
  • Who helped the dragonfly escape from the ant?
  • What game did the friends play at the end of the day?
  • Can you think of another game the friends could have played?

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